


Interlocking Bow Tie Pattern

This is the Interlocking Bow Tie Quilt. This was done by one block in different colors. If you look at the blue and yellow squares, you will see the four blue bows sitting horizontally. Then you will notice the one yellow bow in the center sitting vertically. That blue-yellow square is made from 16 squares that are 3 inches by 3 inches. 

This is my main pattern. Use the color for the bow as the large square (3 inches square). Pull the top edge down to meet the edges of the bottom to determine the center for the horizontal line. Press. Then pull the right edge to the left edge to determine the center for the vertical line. Press. Draw a line from the right line to the bottom line. That is the stitching line. Use a small square/triangle for the square of the other bow tie. Stitch along the line. 

Above, the yellow is the bow of one tie and the blue is the square of another tie. Alternate for the blue bow. Make the large square blue and the corner piece yellow. 

These are four blocks to make one blue bow. 

 Here are 16 blocks to make 4 blue bows. In my quilt, I used the Quilt as You Go method (QAYG). I used sashing between the blocks to connect them. You don't need to use the QAYG method. You can make one complete quilt with these blocks. 

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