This is a tutorial for the
mitered napkins shown in the photo with the casserole carrier.
For Casserole Carrier Tutorial go to:
(copy and past if clicking on the link doesn't work)
Fabric A (framed fabric)
whatever square size you would like your napkin to be.
Fabric B (back of napkin and
what creates the frame) will need to be 2 1/2 inches bigger than Fabric A. So
if you want a 16 inch napkin, Fabric B will need to be an 18 ½ inch square.
Cut Fabric A to the size that
you would like. (14 X 14) (16 x 16) …
Cut Fabric B to Fabric A
dimensions PLUS 2 ½ inches.
Take Fabric B and fold over ¼
inch on all four sides. Press.
Then fold over 1 inch on all
sides. Press
Each corner of Fabric B
should have a small square formed by the pressing. You will use that as a guide later in the tutorial.
Fold Fabric B, right sides together, to form a triangle.
Notice the fold lines of the small squares in the corners. Use the small square
as a guide. One corner should fold over to the opposite corner. Draw a line
from the corners of the small square to the fold of the napkin trying to make a
line that forms a 90 degree angle from the fold. Do that to all four corners of
Fabric B.
Stitch on the line to form the miter. Make sure right sides
are still together.
Clip the corner of the napkins off to reduce bulk.
Turn Fabric B right side out so the mitered corners can be seen.
Press the edges flat. Notice that the by folding that ¼ inch in the beginner
creates a finished edge to frame Fabric A.
Insert Fabric A into the frame created by Fabric B. It may
be easier to turn the frame edges of Fabric B under so that it looks like
Fabric B is inside out. Then flip the edges back into place to create the frame after positioning Fabric A.
Press into place to ensure the two pieces fit nicely
Sew 1/8 of an inch from the inside frame to secure Fabric A
and Fabric B in place.
You have finished your mitered napkins.
You can make these as simple or as fancy as you would like. I have a friend who is making some rather fancy ones as part of her daughter's wedding gift.
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